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Durham Junior Golf Tour's secret to boost their tournaments

2 min read
Apr 19, 2023

You surely know how important it’s to provide the best possible experience for your tournament participants. And the Durham Junior Golf Tour (DJGT) knows this too. So, before hosting the 2022 Chris Karam Memorial Tour, the series found a sustained method to improve its tournaments: The Players 1st Event Survey.

The Durham Junior Golf Tour (DJGT) from Canada knows how to host incredible events, and they certainly proved it once again with their successful 2022 Chris Karam Memorial Tour. 

But they didn't just rely on tried-and-true methods to determine the tournament's success. They wanted to ensure their guests had the best experience possible, so they turned to the cutting-edge tool Players 1st Event Survey to get feedback on all aspects of the event. And the results were truly impressive.  

You can actually teach an old dog new tricks through data 

For 30 years, the Durham Junior Golf Tour has been the go-to junior golf series for 12-18 years old in the region. But their longstanding success throughout the years hasn't kept them from looking into new opportunities to remain relevant for the youth. And last year, they found the answer – listening directly to the young participants through surveys. 

The Tour Organizer Survey was exceptional. It helped validate the many changes that we implemented in recent years and provided us with feedback that identified areas of concern for our players and their families that we need to address moving forward.
Jeffrey Iceton, Tour Chairman at DJGT

One of the key metrics in the survey was the Net Promoter Score, which measures how likely the tour participants were to recommend the event to their friends, family, or colleagues. The Durham Junior Golf Tour scored an impressive 76, which was 18 points higher than the industry benchmark of 58.  

The survey also included other key areas to take notice of when organizing and hosting an event. This is because there are actually a lot of things that can affect golfers overall experience during an event or tournament. And the DJGT did a brilliant job here as well.  

DJGT Tour Survey Results
DJGT Tour Survey Results.

Upgrading the tournaments one swing at a time 

The feedback helped the DJGT to identify their strengths and weaknesses and gave them a clear roadmap for improving future tournaments. 

The survey provides us with an effective tool to communicate with our tour members that will assist us in the continued growth of our programming both on and off the golf course.
Jeffrey Iceton, Tour Chairman at DJGT

The DJGT will continue to use the survey tool for the 2023 season. This enables the club to compare their results with the previous years and find out which areas they perform well in and where they fall short.   

If you manage a golf course or host tournaments, using the Players 1st Event Survey can help your tournaments to reach the next level. And you never know, with the help of surveys and feedback, your event or tournament may even outscore DJGT's impressive stats for the 2022 Chris Karam Memorial Tour.


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