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Will new pay rise recommendations impact staff satisfaction?

2 min read
Mar 6, 2024

Golf club staff may see salary boosts, thanks to the Committee for Golf Club Salaries, who recently proposed a pay rise. Their recommendations aim to attract and retain skilled personnel, but that may not be the only way to keep your greenkeepers and golf club staff around.

From grassroots to elite championship level, highly trained staff are crucial for the success of golf. Whether teaching beginners, maintaining courses, service players, or hosting tournaments, these guys are the unsung heroes who ensure that the game of golf continues to thrive and inspire generations of happy golfers around the world. So, how should we applaud their commitment to our beloved sport?  

The Committee for Golf Club Salaries (CGCS) has proposed some promising news for golf club staff in 2024. According to their recommendations, there's an expected seven percent increase in salaries for golf club staff. And there is more to come, as greenkeepers can raise their arms even higher. They are recommended a nine percent pay rise. 

The fact that over 16 million people in the UK enjoyed playing some form of golf in the past year indicates a booming trend in the sport, and these recommendations just acknowledge the contributions of those who have helped fuel this growth and play a huge role in making golf a great experience.

When golfers rate their overall experience at a course, they actually find it very important whether they’ve had, for example, a positive experience with meeting the on-course staff. In fact, nearly 85,000 survey responses from US golfers in 2023 showed us that they rate that meeting as one of the most important factors when evaluating the course.
Players 1st

Recommendations for a new reality 

First, why the sudden bump? Well, with the national living wage set to rise from April 2024, the CGCS wants to ensure that all staff stays comfortably ahead of this baseline. 

So, who is actually recommending this pay rise? The CGCS is an independent committee, representing the interests of golf clubs throughout the UK. Recently, the committee has updated their salary calculator to include the new, increased percentages. It weighs up plenty of factors - everything from geographic regions, facility size, core responsibilities, club rating, qualifications, and experience. 

In short, the salary calculator has been around since 2019 and is assisting the golf industry in staying up-to-date with the most recent recommendations in this field. But there might be more to discuss regarding salary and how it will affect job satisfaction and retention rates. 

What drives Greenkeepers besides money? 

We have previously touched upon greenkeepers and what to do to fuel their happiness. Our study showed that salary and benefits did not necessarily have the biggest impact on greenkeepers' satisfaction but that especially assistant greenkeepers actually rated other parts of their work as more important.  

Having said that, salary still comes across as a significant pat on the shoulder and can definitely improve job satisfaction, notably among chief greenkeepers. As with many other things in life, it’s about finding that sweet spot between salary, benefits and expectations from both staff and employer - which British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) agrees on.

Generally, greenkeepers highly value their work, professional growth opportunities, and having a solid basis for their tasks. These factors greatly impact their satisfaction, giving them a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Making sure you focus on both salaries and the areas mentioned above will enhance the likelihood of them staying happy and potentially retaining them.


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