
Boosting Golf Club Satisfaction: Beaconhills’ Success with Surveys

Written by Ariadna Tagliorette | Sep 22, 2024

Want to know how Beaconhills Golf Club turned member feedback into a game-changer? Using Players 1st surveys, they uncovered surprising insights that shaped their rebranding, boosted member satisfaction, and brought in fresh, exciting changes. Find out how data-driven decisions helped them transform the member experience! 

Every golf club manager knows that happy members are the key to a thriving club. But how do you really know if your members are satisfied? That was the challenge facing Beaconhills Golf Club in Victoria, Australia. With membership on the rise and a rebranding project in motion, General Manager Mark Lazenby and his team knew they needed honest feedback from their members to guide their next steps. That’s when they turned to Players 1st to gain critical insights, boost member satisfaction, and confidently move forward with new initiatives. 

The Challenge: Understanding Member Needs During Growth and Rebranding 

Beaconhills Golf Club had seen its membership numbers grow significantly, hitting their highest point in recent history. While this growth was a positive sign, it left the club in uncharted waters. Were these new members happy? What changes could enhance their experience? 

On top of that, Beaconhills was in the middle of rebranding, shifting from “Cardinia Beaconhills Golf Links” to a more modern identity. The leadership team needed to know whether their current offerings aligned with member expectations and how the rebrand would be received. 

Despite the club's success, Mark Lazenby, who had only been a general manager for a year, knew it was essential to get reliable data from their membership base before making key decisions. Previous feedback efforts were minimal and outdated, so they needed a tool that would dig deep into what their members truly thought. 

The Solution: Players 1st Surveys 

To address this need, Beaconhills Golf Club turned to Players 1st, a member feedback platform developed specifically for golf clubs. With guidance from Golf Australia, the club launched an in-depth survey to gain insights into member satisfaction and preferences. Mark Lazenby admitted that rolling out such a comprehensive survey was initially daunting, but Players 1st made the process seamless: 



With the ability to customize the survey questions and tailor them to the specific needs of the club, Beaconhills ensured the survey addressed relevant topics, such as member satisfaction, event offerings, and the upcoming rebrand. 

The Results: Data-Driven Confidence 

The response rate exceeded expectations—nearly 60% of members participated, showcasing a strong commitment to providing feedback. Despite its length, members took the time to offer thoughtful insights, even returning to finish the survey after taking breaks. The results proved invaluable. 

The club achieved an impressive Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 65, placing them in the top 3 out of 25 Australian clubs surveyed. This metric confirmed that members were highly satisfied, which gave the board the confidence to continue with planned changes.


The feedback also indicated that members were supportive of the club’s rebranding efforts. With strong member approval, the club felt assured moving forward with the name change and a fresh, modern logo.

The survey revealed that newer, younger members were more interested in social events than traditional competitive golf. This insight led the club to introduce more relaxed, creative event formats to cater to this demographic. 

One surprising discovery was the large number of younger members under 34. With 160 members in this age bracket, Beaconhills decided to launch a Young Players Club to ensure this demographic had a voice in shaping future club activities. 


From Insights to Action: Enhancing The Member Experience 

The insights from Players 1st didn’t just confirm what Beaconhills was doing right—it also highlighted areas for immediate improvement. For instance, the survey revealed that many members were dissatisfied with the condition of the golf carts, prompting the club to invest in a new fleet: 

The data-driven insights also helped the club refine its event strategy, shifting towards more socially oriented activities that appealed to younger and newer members. This member-focused approach has strengthened Beaconhills’ community and helped reduce member turnover. 

One of the biggest takeaways from the survey process was the importance of transparency. While the club acted quickly on the feedback, Lazenby realized the need to communicate the survey results back to members, ensuring they knew their voices were heard: 


This lesson will guide future surveys and improve member engagement further by fostering trust and encouraging participation in the club’s development. 

The Impact on Strategy: A Roadmap for the Future 

With a clearer understanding of member needs, Beaconhills now has a data-driven roadmap for the future. From rebranding decisions to event planning and engaging younger demographics, every move the club makes is supported by member input. 

Looking forward, the club is planning another survey within the next 6–12 months, with a specific focus on the under-34 demographic. The upcoming projects, including a back-nine redevelopment, will also benefit from continuous member feedback to ensure that future investments are in line with member expectations. 

Beaconhills Golf Club’s use of Players 1st demonstrates how actionable data can drive significant improvements in member satisfaction and club management. By listening to its members, the club was able to rebrand with confidence, improve services, and cater to specific demographics more effectively. 

For golf clubs seeking to boost member satisfaction and engagement, the Players 1st Survey Suite offers an invaluable tool for gathering and acting on deep member insights. As Lazenby concluded: "This platform made it easy to ask the right questions, and the feedback we got back has been invaluable. I would highly recommend it to any club manager."